Cozy Eclectic Homeschooling During a Snowy Week

Hello again! 

It has been a while. 

After recovering from being sick, it was Halloween. 

After Halloween Baby Elsie was born.

After Elsie was born, it was Thanksgiving.

After Thanksgiving my family from Missouri came to visit.

After my family came to visit, everyone (including Elsie) caught the cold.

After everyone (except Elsie) recovered from the cold, it was Christmas.

After Christmas... well... I have just been recovering from Christmas ever since. 

I love holidays. I love Christmas. I don't love how thrown off I feel. 

Not going to lie, it has been hard. I feel overwhelmed by everything I "need" to do and everything that I am still not doing. I try to be efficient with my time, and it still doesn't seem enough. I am falling asleep trying to read my book at 8:30, but I can't take a nap to combat this because I can't get my brain to stop during the day. 

I feel so busy, but I don't seem to be getting anything done. And I am not talking about busy work to make myself feel busy. I mean the stuff I have to do every day to keep my household running. I seem to be 5 steps behind.

Can you relate? 

BUT this week I have been trying to prepare myself to jump back into schooling again next week.

Which was timely, since tomorrow it will have been snowing for a whole week! 

Usually, I hate the snow. I hate the cold. But this week I decided to change that...kind of...
We went for at least a walk every day. One day we even made it to the park.

I only had to drive on snowy roads on one day, and we made it home alive, haha.
We tried something new and made snow icecream. The boys keep asking when we are going to make it again.

Tomorrow we are going to make maple syrup candy. The kind that is described in "Little House in the 
Big Woods". I have always wanted to try it since I was a kid, so I am super excited!

I spent a small amount of time here and there and tidied some areas that have been driving me crazy. I am redoing some bags I crocheted for some toys. I made them huge, but we have since cut down on the quantity of certain toys we have (Legos and wooden train tracks, I am looking at you). So far I have finished 3 of them and already I love them because they don't flop over becasue they are WAY too big. I have a few more I am going to be making. 

I made baked comfort foods and more soups. What is it about snow that makes you want delicious soups? I pulled out my sourdough starter for the first time since Elsie was born. It felt good to knead some dough. I am also cleaning out my fridge by using ingredients that I only have a little bit left of. 

A surprising thing happened. 

I haven't hated the snow and the cold. I have even found it enjoyable. I look forward to getting outside.

Looking back through pictures. I am so glad I have tried (yet again) to try to get 1000 hours outside with the boys. The stress over everything I am not doing melts away when I see the results from getting fresh air and stretching our legs. 

I still feel overwhelmed and stressed. I still feel so tired. But the pure while snow and crisp air...that is just what I needed this week. 

Now, instead of doing what I "should" be doing, I am going to indulge in an episode of "The Great British Baking Show" while I nurse Elsie back to sleep. 
