What Am I Afraid Of?

Hello everyone!

It is so great to be back! And this is such a perfect prompt from my 30 Day Blogging Challenge, because it is the only way I can explain why I have been gone for 2 whole months!

I don't really want to talk about what I am afraid of:

1) It is just a SUPER personal subject.

2) I don't know WHICH fear to write about.

So I have been procrastinating writing this post. And that honestly is the reason I have been gone. I have too many fears to count!

When I hear people doing something that sounds scary to me (deadlines, promotions, first dates, submitting big assignments, starting a company, speaking to an audience, to name a few), I am genuinely surprised when their answer to my question "Are you scared/nervous/freaking out?" is a definite "No. Not really."

Are you kidding me?!?!

Here I am, freaking out for you, and you don't even care about the situation, at least not really. ๐Ÿ˜’

It is so bad, that I can be watching a TED Talk and feeling nervous for the person speaking, because I am imagining myself in their shoes. American Idol or The Voice are not my favorite shows for a reason. And I even feel anxiety for random strangers who's cards aren't working when they check out at Walmart.

It's a problem.

Recently, I finally listened to my husband's suggestion to watch a TED talk a day (despite me feeling scared for the speaker). This is a great suggestion for anyone scared of just doing SOMETHING! I have learned a lot about overcoming fears by just fighting them, one tiny bit at a time.

So...what am I afraid of?

I am afraid of being vulnerable to others, in fear of getting hurt. I am afraid of my fears and doubts holding me back from becoming something infinitely better. I am afraid of never leaving my comfort zone, but at the same time being pushed out of it. I am afraid of never changing, because deep down, I am afraid I don't really want to.

There, now you know more than you probably ever wanted to know about me, haha.

Through this prompt, I have been able to take a step in the right direction to recovery. I have lots of friends who say "I have anxiety", and I always thought I could count myself lucky I had no idea what they were going through. Not anymore. I have an anxiety problem, too. But I think most of us all do, to some degree.

I don't know how to overcome it, but I think that just accepting it, and working hard to not let it run my life, is exactly what I need to do to learn to live without it.

And there you have it. My thoughts on my fears. It was actually therapeutic to write about it. I am even writing this post in my journal, because it is a very real part of me. Everyone should do it!

Just because I love quotes, I rounded up some of my favorite quotes about fear, just for you. ๐Ÿ˜Š

Photo Credit: simonquotes.com

Photo Credit: girlboss.com

Photo Credit: mrsnelsonblog.com

What are you afraid of? Do you see any of your fears in mine?


  1. I am so glad you wrote this! They say to write what we are afraid of is the first step in moving forward. I'm not sure if it's true or not, but I know I have to just tell myself I am afraid of what COULD go wrong. Chuckle... and who really cares? I will learn another lesson of life one way or another.

    1. I definitely think that is true! I have been able to make big strides just by writing this post! It really helps to finally say (or write, haha) out loud what is really holding us back. When you make yourself do this, you have to finally accept that it is real, and not something that you can just keep hiding where no one but you know's it exists.


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