My Roundup of Favorite Quotes
Happy Monday everyone, and welcome to Day 4 of the 30 Day Blogging Challenge!
First of all...
What kind of a prompt is this?
My favorite quote? I am an indecisive person by nature, so I don't really have a "favorite" anything. Favorite book? Let me just show you my bookcase. Favorite movie? Can we limit it to a certain genre? Favorite color? Any color that makes me happy at the moment. Favorite food? Is it most likely going to make me gain some weight? Then I love it already.
I could keep going, but let's just stop there.
Well, let's just say this was a particularly difficult prompt because not only do I have a quote board on Pinterest (just like the rest of the world), but I also have a quote journal that I started in high school. I love quotes, and I love journals! In this post, I share how to keep a personal journal, as well as included a picture of all my journals. It's really odd, but my quote journal is not included in that picture, and I am not about to take a picture now because it is nighttime, so the picture would turn out awful. Just picture a small journal with some cartoony trees and a blue bird with the word "Believe" on it, and that's my quote journal.
ANYWAY, time to get off that rabbit trail. Where was I? Oh yeah, my favorite quote.
This is slightly embarrassing to admit, but although I LOVE quotes, not one quote is coming to me right now. And what's worse, I just looked and haven't added a pin to my quote board in over 6 months! And I don't even remember the last time I looked at the journal.
<small break to take a look at quote board and journal>
So instead of my favorite quote, I'm just gonna share my top 5, alright? This is seriously so hard!
Here we go!
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5. "I have found that most people are about as happy as they make their minds up to be." ~Abraham Lincoln
I agree with you, Abraham Lincoln! Not that there isn't real depression and other mental illnesses out there. I think those are very real and need to be dealt with properly. But generally, we decide how happy we want to be. Our misery can be changed with an attitude adjustment. I have found that true in my own life.![]() |
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4. "No matter how busy you may think you are, you must find time for reading, or surrender yourself to self-chosen ignorance." ~Confucius
I am pretty sure he knows what he is talking about. The guys was smart!When I talk to fellow mothers about my love of reading, a lot of them say something like this: "Oh, I used to read, but then I became a mom. You know how it is."
Um, actually, no I don't. No matter how many kids I have, no matter how crazy life gets, I will always read. I know it is easy to say that now with only 2 kids, but I am not kidding. Reading is my passion!
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3."Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself." ~Coco Chanel
This woman has so many good quotes talking about appearance, but this one is my favorite. Not only am I an indecisive person by nature, but I am also a people-pleaser. So much so that it can make me freeze in fear worrying about how others perceive me. These words help me put things into perspective. I am most likable (to others and to myself) when I am who I really am.![]() |
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2. "Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its troubles; it empties today of its strength." ~Corrie Ten Boom
Speaking of favorite books, Corrie Ten Boom does not disappoint with her book "The Hiding Place". Such a good one if you want to cry a lot and get all sorts of emotions surging through your body.Isn't this one a good one? This is my life, almost every single day. I need to print this one off and put it on a mirror or something. Why worry? Usually, it is over something I have no control over, and it is such a energy sapper.
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1. "You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face... You must do the thing you cannot do." ~Eleanor Roosevelt
I love this woman! I like this quote because it kind of frightens me. The thought of doing something that I cannot do both scares and empowers me. I want more strength, courage, and confidence, so I have to do what I have to do! Face those fears!I am pretty satisfied with this list. Actually, I have been toying with making a vision board, and now I am pretty sure that is going to be one of my next projects because I want these were I can see them!
If you are interested in seeing all the other AWESOME quotes I have collected over the years, click here to take a look at my Pinterest quote board.
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