This Young Momma's Daily Routine With Kids

It is 8:30pm right now.

I still need a shower and my head feels like lead. Or maybe full of cottonballs. Maybe a little bit of both.

And nothing for the past 2 days has really gone smoothly.

I can't help but laugh at the thought of writing about a routine. I can't even remember the last time I followed our "routine".

I almost called today probably the worst example of following a routine. I could only see the negative. We didn't study about Saturn. The boys watched a movie this morning when I don't really like letting them do that. We didn't have scripture or outside time. Did they even have a fruit or vegetable today?


But, then I remembered. Having a routine means NOTHING if I only focus on moving from one activity to the next without paying attention to what the boys need.So, did I follow MY routine? No. But did I follow their on-a-whim routine? I tried.

Here is what we did do today: We read LOTS of books. Many of them more times than I have fingers for.

We turned off the movie when I noticed that it was leading to negative behavior from Ira, and I redirected to playing with the barn and animals. I learned from observing them that the barn and animals need to be moved from the top shelf to the floor because they can't get it down, so they don't get to play with it as much as they want to. And I observed that they need more farm animals to play with.

We watched a movie together while eating popcorn before bed as part of the new "special activity routine" I am giving a shot at. As I result I learned that I love eating popcorn with them, and that Ira loves The Magic School Bus. We watched the Space Adventure one as part of our Solar System unit this month.

I sang songs before bed instead of reading a story because Asa asked me to. It was such a nice change to our "routine" because recently the boys have been fighting the "bedtime routine". As soon as it starts they know what was coming, haha.

So, from my point of view, today was definitely far from perfect. But, I am happy with the results. My boys were happy, and I felt like I was being a good mom.

All that being said, I DO have a "routine" that I like to at least try to follow. I designed a printout months ago, and it has went through many changes. I am still not 100% happy with it, but it works for now. I don't like to have times to go by because it stresses me out if I feel like we are "behind". So I just have rough estimates in my head. Here is what are basic routine looks like:

6:00 AM-   Mommy wakes up
7:00 AM-   Breakfast
                   Scripture Time (I have been trying to do this during breakfast, and have had good results)
                   Clean Up (tidy and following cleaning schedule I have)
                   Read (I like having a set time. That way I know they are getting 20 minutes in)
10:00 AM- Snack
                   Unit Activity (this month is the Solar System)
                   Outside Time
                   PBS Kids show (optional. Depends on the day)
12:00 PM-  Lunch

After lunch we have nap-time when I notice they are getting a little grumpy, and then I just follow their lead until bedtime.

 To get my printable routine, click HERE. Yep, it isn't cute, but it save on ink, and I don't have to worry if I have colored ink or not. It's expensive!

Like I said, I prefer a more relaxed routine because it leaves me with more flexibility to meet the needs in my home. I feel more in tune with what's around me, and I feel more relaxed, which leads me to feeling happier. Who doesn't like a little more happiness in their life?

Even though I am not perfect at following my "routine", just having it on my fridge where I can see it every day makes me feel a little more put together, and every day I try to be better about something. Someday I will get this routine thing down. Maybe tomorrow. But first I need to go to bed. 😉

What is your "must-have" in your daily routine? 

Thanks for joining me on Day 5 of the 30 Day Blogging Challenge!

