My Boss Plan to Blog More Consistently

I am a mom.

I am a wife.

I am a reader.

I am a craft enthusiast. 

I am a baker (and eater ๐Ÿ˜‚)

I am a procrastinator.

I am a poor planner.

I am an easily bored human being.

Some of these attributes are extremely helpful when wanting to start a lifestyle blog (mainly the top 5 things). Some of these things are my worst enemies when trying to keep the blog can probably guess which ones those are...

So, there I was. A purposeless mommy blogger. Let me tell you, it not a good feeling. Most people already have feelings of failure hanging over them without the thought of their failed blog on the back of their mind. Okay, moment of honesty: this is not a failed blog. If it was, I wouldn't think about it. EVER.
As I was mindlessly looking at Pinterest yesterday, which is a habit I picked up on while waiting for a book I put on hold at the library, I came across this:

Found at

Yep. I needed to see this. I have committed 12 of these mistakes!!! I love blogging! It is a great way to get my ideas and things I love out in the open. Not in a journal that no one will read from until I am dead. 

But, blogging can also take a lot of time, and I found myself never knowing what to write, looking at other blogs, wishing mine was half as good, and getting discouraged for not getting the results I so badly wanted! I especially compared myself to others, lamenting over how I am not funny enough, clever enough, or have pretty enough pictures.

After having a small pity party, I decided it was time to have a go at this whole blogging thing again. I mean, this is a lot of fun! Nothing like seeing your own words in a published post on your very own blog. It's kinda cool.

Anyway... I have only one problem... three problems actually. I am still a procrastinator. I am still a poor planner. And I am still an easily bored human being. I am doomed to fail from the beginning if this continues. 

Pinterest saved the day again (who doesn't love Pinterest? It is such a life saver!). I came across a 30 day blogging challenge, and immediately thought, "I am so doing that!" Until I read some of the questions. Ummmm, no one wants to know who my celebrity crush is. How can you even write a whole post on something like that anyway? I don't even think I KNOW who my celebrity crush is...hmmm... maybe that would be an interest post....okay, back to the challenge. 

So the whole challenge thing wasn't a bad idea. I decided to write my own questions, based off of a couple lists I found. Easy Peasy. I wrote it while I was waiting for this page to load, that's how easy it was. Mistake #15 can no longer haunt me, that is until the 30 days are up...

Oh, and I printed off that 15 mistakes page I posted earlier. Can't go wrong with having a daily reminder to put things into perspective. 

Just to clarify, I will NOT being posting every day, so my 30 days will cover more than just one month. Knowing myself, that would be suicide. I will be posting just three times a week, with one of those days updating what we are doing with our pre-preschool curriculum we are starting on Monday. No, I am not using anything specific. I am making up our curriculum as I go, based off the needs of our family. 

Okay, so that's it! My boss plan for blogging more consistently. 

I even made a cute printable with my 30 day challenge questions on it! I made it for myself, so some of the questions are definitely tailored to match what is going on in my life, but you can totally print it and use only what works for you. It's free after all, so why complain? 

Click HERE for the free printable!

See you next week!
