How I Remind Myself that I am Not a Complete Failure

Let’s have a heart to heart.

This morning, I had a bad thought. As I was getting the boys dressed, I was going over draft posts, trying to decide what I wanted to post today. And then out came a recurring thought. “What were you thinking when you started a blog? After only a month you have no idea what to post. You might as well stop.” 

There you have it. This seems to happen to me a lot. I feel like a failure. Like I am not productive. Like I don’t have a life. 

That is simply not true! And I know it. By the end of the day, I have done a lot, but all I focus on is what I didn’t do. I didn’t get up early enough to get my workout in. I was only able to get in 30 minutes of my craft. I didn’t make a very healthy lunch for everyone. I didn’t vacuum the floor. I didn't read out of my book. Or I did read or work on my craft, but Ira watched TV all day. I never do enough, and I judge how good of a mom, wife, homemaker I am based on what I didn't do. 

Women need to stop this. Stop looking at failure. Stop being unhappy. We are so hard on ourselves, but then are the first to tell another women voicing our own thoughts that they are amazing and need to see what they DO accomplish. 

We are amazing. We do hard things every day. And I think that hard things vary from day to day, from mommy to mommy. Some days my hard thing is getting every single thing on my to-do list done. Other days, my hard thing is wiping a dirty bottom for the 6th time in 6 hours.  

So today, I don't have a craft, yummy recipe, activity to do with kids, or tips to share. Because you know what? I have been super busy having a great week. I made great progress on the first of several hats I am making for the boys for my sister's wedding. I tried a recipe of yummy homemade noodles. I played with my boys and spent time connecting with my husband. I was being a mommy, and I didn't have time to turn anything I did into a blog post. That is real life for ya!

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 Even though I feel like I am failing almost every single day, I sincerely love being a mom and wife. I love being at home and doing the same mundane tasks. And I am sure that almost every mommy out there can say the same thing. 

Okay, so now to what I wanted to post about. How do I kick those thoughts out and feel better about my life and myself? 

Take a step back and look at the bigger picture. I am doing exactly what God wants me to do. I was meant to be a mommy, wife, and homemaker. He is proud of who I am, and loves me. My children and husband love me. And that is all that matters. Maybe my house is a mess, my kids need their mouths wiped, and I need a shower, but I love this life, so I need to stop being so gosh darn critical of it. 

Taking a step back a looking at the bigger picture won't be like this for everyone. This is just what I do. Think about what makes you happy, what makes doing everything worth it, and then focus on that whenever you feel down. I promise that your terrible, horrible, very bad day will turn right around very quickly. 😊

That's it! Really, it's that simple! If you don't believe me, try it and see what happens. 


  1. You’ve got it!!!! You are doing it!!! Be content and at peace with it and you will be so much happier!!! 💕cmomof11

    1. You are so right, Cheryl! I have totally got this! And thank you for the advice! When I am content and at peace with who I am, it is easier to get up in the morning and have a good day.


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